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Moutai Latte Brews a Storm of Excitement in Partnership with Luckin Coffee

In a surprising twist, Luckin Coffee has unveiled its latest collaboration that's set to captivate coffee enthusiasts worldwide – the Moutai Latte. This unique offering comes as a result of a partnership with Moutai, a subsidiary of the prestigious Chinese Baijiu producer, Moutai Group.


The Moutai Latte is poised to redefine the coffee experience with its fusion of rich, aromatic coffee and the distinctive flavors of Moutai, known for its centuries-old Baijiu craftsmanship. This tantalizing blend offers a harmonious balance of bold coffee notes and the complex, nuanced essence of Moutai, creating a beverage that's bound to leave a lasting impression on your taste buds.


Luckin Coffee, renowned for its innovative approach to the coffee market, is once again pushing the boundaries of coffee connoisseurship. With the introduction of Moutai Latte, they aim to provide their customers with an extraordinary coffee experience, further solidifying their position as a trailblazer in the industry.


The Moutai Latte is expected to make waves in the coffee world, appealing to both coffee aficionados and those seeking a unique and flavorful coffee experience. Stay tuned for the Moutai Latte's official launch, as it promises to take your coffee journey to unprecedented heights.


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No. 9 Longkun road, Longchi development zone, Taiwanese investment zone, Zhangzhou, Fujian, China
No. 9 Longkun road, Longchi development zone, Taiwanese investment zone, Zhangzhou, Fujian, China